
Showing posts from August, 2014

International Youth Week Celebrations in Cross River 6th-12th August,2014

Youth Week is an annual celebration of young people, organised by young people for young people. It is a day that the whole world comes today to celebrate this age bracket that is the driving force of the entire global workforce. The population of Cross River is approximately 3.2 million as at the last census and 61% of that number are youth.So for CroaaRiver it is always a norm that each year this period is dedicated to activities that can improve on the wellbeing of every young person in the state. Last years celebration focussed on entrepreneurship but this years National themeis 'Youth and Mental Health' but as everyone knows CrosaRiver is always unique as we have our own sub-theme which zeroes down to our State peculiarities and to support the National theme. The sub-theme for this year is 'Youth as indispensable agents of change and National transformation'.At a press briefing to mark the kick-off of the International Youth Week celebration yesterday in th